Even though we are two days into December I could let November go without sharing the results of our Thankful Tree and all that we said we were thankful for. From serious stuff to fun stuff, we found we are truly a blessed family in so many ways.
God's grace and mercy, doughnuts, paper and pencil (Claire), Broncos & Jets game, Star Wars, iPod games, God, Justice & P.S clothes, the Live Nativity, Arthur Christmas movie, The Pioneer Woman and her food, My Room, food and water, Our home, playing games, Friends, Bop It, great books, Daddy & Mommy, Girl Scout cookies, jobs, sports, a great church, my friend Lisa's last chemotherapy treatment, library, Pogo stick and Daisy (Claire), JBQ, TVs, airplanes (Grace), Aunts and Uncles, health, Macy's Day Parade, dessert/candy, movies, Missionaries, my Friends/Family and Church (Cayla), RealFit Gym, football, Family Game Night, iPhones, school, fresh water, Co-Co-Nutties, playgrounds, golf with Friends, family dinners, Christmas, pillows & blankets, freedom, The Muppets Movie, games to play outside, Cousins (including the one to arrive in May to the Reise family), dinosaurs, sports class, Wii, pizza & pasta, peanuts (not Sarah), baseball, Spring & Summer, Nite-Lites, computers, Grandparents, breakfast, Bible, day and night, Jesus died on the cross for our sins.

We are especially thankful for PaPa & MeMe who arrived this afternoon to spend a couple of days with us and celebrate the Christmas season.