Sunday, September 4, 2011

Yard Sale

This past Friday and Saturday we had our yard sale, which was a huge success. The weather was perfect for us. Friday morning we had our first customers at 8:00 a.m. even though we weren't advertised to open until 10:00 a.m. Yard salers always come early. We had a lot to unpack, so they waited patiently as we continued to unload. Friday we closed at 4:00 p.m. completely exhausted from the day. After a goodnights rest we were ready to go for Saturday morning and opened at 8:00 a.m. We closed up at 3:00 p.m. We were blessed with our total of selling over $1300 among 4 different families. We sold a lot, but still had a lot left which we packed up and will be picked up by a donation company this next week.

Sarah, Brayden and Cayla sold lemonade, brownies, cupcakes and muffins during the 2 days and made $40. They did a great job! Brayden was the main salesman asking everyone who came in sight "Would you like some lemonade?" His initiative and being so cute helped their sales I think. :) He was so tired by the end of the day.

Not only did we make a lot of money over the weekend, but we enjoyed spending time together making some extra money for our families. I love being with my girlfriend Melissa, she is the best. Cayla spent 2 nights at our house, the girls and Brayden love being together. Plus, John, Susie & Sammy came by during the mornings since they were selling a few items, as well as my in-laws Don & Donna they provided the furniture to sell.

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