We are all still hanging in there. We think we have power at our house now. At around 5:30 p.m. tonight we saw a post on Facebook of a neighbor of ours (a couple streets over) who has power back on. We also got a call from Sarah's school that she will have school on Monday, which her school is just up the street from us. We will go to the house tomorrow after church. It is bittersweet because we have had a good time with our family, but also ready to go to our home sweet home.
We are trying to conserve our gas. You may have heard of the gas shortages around here. People are waiting in line for hours to get gas. Many gas stations are not open because of no power and those that are open are running short. They are now rationing the gas. Those with even number license plates can get gas on even days and those with odd number go on odd days. That started today and still there were long lines. Jason and I both have 3/4 tank left, so we are being mindful of where we drive.
We continue to feel blessed to have a warm house to sleep, eat and live. I went home yesterday to pick up a few more things as the estimated report from our power company said we wouldn't have power until Wednesday, November 7th. The temperature inside the house was 50 degrees, chilly. It should be warmed up by the time we get home tomorrow. I know our town had opened the high school as a warming station for many of the residents who are without power, thankfully they should be warmer tonight with the power back on.
We have enjoyed our time with cousin Stephen. He is such a sweet baby. |
Brayden and Sammy have had a blast playing together. They are buddies. |
This was their playground for the morning. |
Ahhh, quietly enjoying their iPads. |
We have continued to enjoy meals with friends and family. We have all (mainly Susie) been pulling whatever we have together to make our dinners.
FaFa got back home yesterday and joined us as their power is out. Grandma had a retreat in Pennsylvania, and will arrive back tomorrow. |
Sammy has a basketball hoop in the living room that he plays ball with. Throughout the week the guys having been using it to play HORSE. One night with all their jumping they woke the baby up that was sleeping downstairs, so in order to keep the game going they had to move it outside, 10:30 p.m. mind you. They are hilarious, but dedicated to their HORSE game. They even started a small fire to keep warm.
Today we decided to venture to the mall and see "Wreck It Ralph", which just came out yesterday. We needed to get out and thought it would be a nice treat for the kids. Thankfully we got the first showing and the mall wasn't to crowded, but by the time we got out it was busy.
It is hard to believe it has been almost a week since this all started . We will let you know when we are settled in back home.
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