Sunday, March 17, 2013

Returns, Lunch and Legos...

Brayden was asking to go to the Lego store all last week to buy something with his money. I had some returns to take care of, so with returns in hand and money in his pocket we headed to the mall.

Brayden is not a patient shopper when it comes to Mommy stores. As soon as he sees the sign for GAP he says "We are not going in there. No, no, no." When it comes to shopping he also wants to know how many stores we are going to or how things I am going to buy at the grocery store. Once I give him a number he starts counting them down and when he gets to zero we should be done. Seems logical, but somehow it never seems to turn out that way. I will forget something else I need or I see another store I would like to go into. It is a women thing. For today, though, I had come up with the perfect strategy that we would do my returns first, have lunch with Daddy and then go to the Lego store. I knew he would look forward to lunch and Lego store if we could just get through my returns at three different stores.

Brayden did great and was very patient. Having his iPod with him helped a few times. While we were returning something he even saw a shirt he liked and asked if we could get it, so he did a little shopping himself. 
A successful shopping trip.
We met Jason for lunch at our new Steak and Shake, which is a wonderful hamburger place at a great price. It brings back memories from our college days in Springfield, Missouri.
Last but not least we hit the Lego store and he found a super cool Master Academy set that he wanted. He had several gift cards to use up and was able to buy it in full with his own money.
I forgot to get a picture in the store, so here we are in the parking lot.
Ready to put it together once we get home.
Enjoy these times with my little guy during the day, I won't get to have them as much next year when he starts Kindergarten. I don't think I will miss the questions "Are we done shopping yet?", but I will miss having him by my side.

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