This past Tuesday night Jason was ordained as an Assemblies of God Minister. What does this mean? There are three different levels of credentials to be a minister in the Assemblies of God denomination. First certification, second licensing and third ordination. For ordination you have to have been licensed for at least 2 years, as well as be recommended by the presbytery. After testing and interviewing with the New Jersey District, Jason was approved by the Assemblies of God General Council to receive the ordination credential.
Jason loves his job as a pastor. It has been a long, but growing journey to get to the place we are at. Jason has felt called to full-time ministry since he was young. He is glad that in the past 4 years he has begun to walk out that calling. I am so proud of him and so happy to be able to walk along side of him to support him however I can.
The suit he wore for the evening is something our church family purchased
for him. When one of the pastors is being ordained the church takes an
offering to purchase a suit for the pastor to wear at their ordination
service. Each of our four campuses contributed to the suit. We were so
grateful for their generous gift.
The ordination service concluded the two-day New Jersey District Council and there were 19 ordination candidates, the most ever in the state of New Jersey.
The speaker was Dr. Greg Mundis, who is the Executive Director of World Missions for the A/G.
After the message each of the candidates were introduced and Rev. Carl Colletti the New Jersey Superintendent gave them an ordination charge.
Our picture was on the screen, while they read Jason's introduction. |
New Jersey Superintendent Carl Colletti |
Proud Dad |
Next they had the spouses and a prayer partner come up to lay hands on each candidate along with the presbyter to pray over them. Jason's dad was the presbyter and his brother John was the prayer partner. It isn't everyday that you get to have your closest family members pray over you as you are ordained.
Don, John and myself praying for Jason. |
Afterwards each presbyter transferred an ordination stole to those ordained.
Family and Friends were there to celebrate with us. Here are just a few of them that we got on camera.
Our family of four. |
Part of the James clan. |
Close friends - Dan Rainville and Todd Sheehan |
It really was a special night. I couldn't be prouder of my husband.
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