Friday, September 7, 2012

6th Grade...

Sarah had her first day of school on Wednesday. Sixth grade, wow! Exciting. She didn't seem nervous at all the first day. The last two days she has been a little more nervous just getting to know her teachers and the work they will be doing.

She has done great getting up in the mornings so far. We straightened her hair the first day, which took an extra 30 minutes. Her hair has gotten really long over the summer. She looks so grown up, you can't see in this picture but she is wearing dangle earrings something I gave her permission to wear in 6th grade. A lot of new things this year now that she is in Jr. high. I am adjusting to all the changes for my baby.

The first morning it was a bit of a cloudy and rainy morning, so they had the kids going right into school. No waiting in line with her although she had requested that we wait at the gate this year. Getting to be those years of it not being cool to have your parents hanging around.

She came home having had a GREAT first day. She loves 6th grade. They have more freedom when going from class to class, not having to walk in a line or with a teacher, she loved that. One of her 5th grade teachers from last year is now her math teacher this year, which she was excited for. Her other 5th grade teacher also pulled her and a couple of other kids aside to let them know that they did outstanding on their NJASK test (state testing) last year, which she had promised them if they did she would buy them a pizza lunch. It was such an encouragement to her and we are so proud of her.

We are off to a great year. A little bit of homework last night and I am sure more to come.

Next week starts youth group at church, again an adjust for me. Then in a couple weeks come braces. Will keep you posted on all these happenings for our middle schooler.

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