Christmas came a little early this year again with PaPa & MeMe flying in from Florida for a couple of days. They arrived on Friday afternoon (November 30th) and we celebrated Christmas with them on Saturday morning.
They brought Sarah and Brayden "Melting Snowman". You put this snowman together from a little kit and... |
it magically melts to a puddle of so-called snow an hour later. Lots of fun to watch it slowly "melt" away. |
Sarah is the first to start our Advent calendar this year. |
MeMe opens her gift first, a Pampered Chef BBQ Roasting Pan. I know it looks like a piece of paper, but it is being shipped directly to her. Luggage doesn't always accommodate roasting pans. |
PaPa gets a stylus pen for his new iPad. |
A Spiderman backpack perfect for school. |
An electronic fish, exactly what he wanted. Yes, you heard me an "electronic" fish. Just add water and your electronic fish swims around, a shark in Brayden's case. Ahhh, we don't have to worry about flushing this gift down the toilet. Only need to change the batteries. |
PaPa was a huge hit in Sarah's book this year. He picked out this hand knit hat for her. It was her favorite gift! Her other gifts were "peace sign" earbuds, a Delia's gift card and nail art. |
Lego CREATIONARY!!!! He has been asking for this game for a while. At breakfast he told MeMe he knew she got him this gift. I have no idea how he knew, but he was pumped. |
Jason got an iTunes gift card and money for golf. I got gift cards to Gap, Francesca's, Amazon and a Lands End tote for my car. |
They also got us a fun gift on how to make balloon animals. Sarah made this dog. For those of you interested she is now available for birthday parties. They also attempted to make a mouse and a dinosaur. |
Brayden checking out his shark tank all set up in his room. It even has a light that changes color. |
Sarah and MeMe making the traditional "Chocolate Covered Cherry" cookies. A favorite in our house. |
Sarah hard at work covering the cherries with chocolate. |
Cheese! Sarah taking pics with my new camera. |
Brayden requested that we all play a game of Creationary that night. It is actually a lot of fun. We were on teams of two. PaPa and MeMe are working on what was supposed to be a bird. As the teams are building you have to guess what they are trying to make. |
Daddy and Brayden looking at what they have to try and make. |
An "Ice Cream" truck. Good job! |
Me and my partner had to make a "Monster Truck". Can you guess who my partner is? |
Sunday we had church in the morning and the kids musical in the evening. It felt a little strange this year for Sarah not to be a part of the musical, which is only for Kindergarten through Fifth grade. Brayden sang in the Preschool Sing and will be a part of the musical next year.
All the characters - Angels, Animals, Shepherds and Mary and Joseph. Brayden and his cousin Sammy are Shepherds in green shirts. |
Discussing something. Maybe, "What key does "Away In the Manger" start in?" |
On Monday, Dad, Mom and myself went to Christmas Tree Shops and Ikea while the kids were at school. In the afternoon they took the kids to see "Rise of the Guardians" and dinner. Jason and I went to see "Skyfall" and out to dinner just the two of us.
On Tuesday and Wendesday they went to go see my grandmother near Boston and Thursday morning they left early in the morning. The time flew by very quickly. We enjoyed what time we had with them.
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