Friday, April 17, 2015

The Hunt...

We went to FaFa & Grandma's house for Easter lunch and our yearly Easter egg hunt. We were missing the Reise family this year. Normally we have a weekend full of activities with them from celebrating birthdays to Easter, but they were in Florida for Spring Break. We exchanged pictures. They were on the beach and we were at the table ready to dig into delicious brisket.
Please ignore my hsuband and son, they always have to make some kind of goofy face!

After Stephen got up from his nap the Dads hid the Easter eggs and we got ready for the hunt.

Ready, Set, Go...

Because they get so much chocolate during the day we have started putting coins in the eggs. We of course had to get a group shot with all their eggs. I love looking at each of them in the pictures. Stephen is very focused on his basket. Sammy can't get over his "golden" egg. Brayden is enduring the pictures, but can't resist the urge to break form at the end. Sarah, sweet girl, is patiently waiting until we get the right shot of the little guys.

The bunny, the bunny, ohhhhh the bunny. Thankfully a bit smaller this year.

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