Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Day at the Cabin...

Tuesday we hung out all day at the cabin. In the morning, PaPa took Claire and Brayden down to shoot the BB gun. It was Brayden's first time shooting, he could use some more practice.

In the afternoon we played the game "Settlers of Catan". Michelle and Claire taught us how to play. Brayden was on Claire's team. It was a fun strategy game where you build roads and cities all the while collecting resources. I WON, thanks to my sister's advice throughout the game.
Brayden has his shirt off since he had so many chigger bites that were bothering him.

In the evening we had some great entertainment with Grace and Sarah singing a couple of songs for us that they had practiced together. They sound really good together.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

LOVED them singing SO MUCH!!!