Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Safety Town...

In the beginning of July Brayden attended "Safety Town" a program that our town puts on for students entering Kindergarten. It is a 10 day program from 9-10:30 a.m. each day. It goes over all kinds of "safety" topics such as the importance of seat belts, bicycle safety, how to cross the street, fire safety, first aid, etc. Sarah went to the same program when she was Brayden's age. We think it is great.

Each day Brayden arrived at the school and the middle school student assigned to him, Michael, greeted him with his name tag and stayed with him at each activity throughout the morning.

They set up a small town outside where each day the kids rode big wheels around the town and learned how to follow traffic signs.

Brayden colored this on the day that all the kids got to ride on a school bus. Although he won't be riding a bus to school, they talked to them about when they do ride on a bus how they should act. On Brayden's school bus there is a porcupine school bus driver, Brayden and Sarah are in the middle and an alien is in the back of the bus. Seems like my kids are in good hands on this school bus.

On the day they talked about first aid he made a Band-Aid book.

Another more the police came and took all their fingerprints for us to have a copy of.

On the very last day they had a graduation when all the kids families could come and hear all that they learned. Each student got a certificate of completion and got to meet the chief of police of our town.

We are proud of our little Saftey Towner.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Phase 10, Game On...

In June another Phase 10 night was on the calendar for us girls. Sarah and I always look forward to these nights with our girlfriends. Our favorite card game, sweet treats, laughs and a lot of fun.

We try and put our game face on prior to our get togethers, but we always end up laughing about it. Who are we kidding. These pictures are a text message Sarah and I came up with to send to the girls the night before our BIG game night.

The S'more bars are made. (These bars are so good, if you like s'mores. I started making them a couple of years ago. )

The cards are ready to be played.

A new winner will be displayed. (Whoever wins at the end of the night signs everyones shirts.)

Have you prayed?

We're ready to bring it!!!

And we all did...

I was the winner this game night. VICTORY! Somehow I missed getting my picture taken though.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Brayden - This & That

Here are some extra pictures of our Brayden bear from April, May and June that I didn't include in other posts.

Brayden helped me bake some Pioneer Woman "Mom's Muffins" one morning. I love watching Pioneer Woman's show and Sarah and Brayden sometimes like watching it with me since she includes her kids and all their activities on their ranch. I don't always make her recipes since they call for a lot of butter and whole milk, but we like to indulge in one of her recipes every now and then though.

Brayden got his very own library card this summer, he was so excited. We have our weekly trip to the library to pick out movies and books, now he can check them out himself.

This summer we signed him up for Taekwondo classes, he has enjoyed trying this out.

In June he got to go with Jason and Sarah to Mega Sports camp at a church in Newark that we have helped the last couple of years with their VBS. He had fun playing at all the different stations with the other kids - Dancing, soccer, drums, bible story. Unfortunately the second night he got sick right before they were to leave and had to stay home with Mommy.

Sleeping with my little bear. I love naps. Brayden doesn't fall asleep often on the couch, but when he does you know he is tired.

It is so fun watching him grow and enjoying life.
Cousins getting ready to enjoy Grandma's new pool.
Enjoys playing in the dirt.
Drawing in his journal on the way to school.
Enjoying a train ride at Van Saun Park with Aunt Susie, Sammy & Stephen.
First time riding in the street with his bike.
This boy enjoys slipping and sliding.
A morning out to see Monsters University.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Sarah - This & That

Sarah left at 6:30 a.m. this morning for a week long missions trip to North Carolina with our church. To say she was excited is an understatement. She has been looking forward to the trip since she found out about it.

The team is heading to Clemmons, NC where they will be working with a team of kids from Agape Faith Church. They will be helping during the week at a VBS and visiting nursing homes. Our church has partnered with them the last two years on missions trips. Last year the NC team came to New Jersey and spent a week here.

We will miss our girl for the week, but believing it will be an amazing week for her as she serves others and shines her light.
Team Bethany - Jonah, Pastor Gwain, E-Man, Cayla, Giana, Sarah, Trinity, Noelle, Tian, Natalie and Aunt Renee

Here are some extra pictures of our beautiful girl from April, May and June that didn't get included in other posts. 
Cayla & Sarah Certified "Safe Sitters". They took the course and are ready to go.
A signature pose for my girl.
Sarah & Abby - Girlfriends and Frappuccinos. Does it get any better?
Cousin Stephen
JBQ Crew
Emma, Sarah & Cayla - These girls love spending time together
and will do anything for a SLEEPOVER!!

Sarah wanted to make cupcakes one afternoon. I told her I didn't have it in me to help, so she was on her own. I think she did an amazing job with the decorating and they were sooooo good. Who knows maybe baking is in her future.
This girl loves frosting.
Each cupcake was unique
Enjoying the fruit of her labor.

Sister and Brother. Love these two more than words can say.