Sunday, July 14, 2013

Hot Rods...

Brayden's T-ball season ended the middle of June. He had a great time playing and we loved watching him and all the other 4 and 5 year old boys and girls on the Hot Rod team. We did a lot of cheering the kids on, but also had quite a few laughs watching them learn the basics of playing the game. Let's just say their attention span is somewhat short.

Brayden had two games a week, one during the week and then one on Saturday morning. The games consisted of 3 innings, each team got 3 chances to hit the ball and run the bases and then 3 times in the outfield. They lasted about an hour.

Here are pictures of some of Brayden's teammates. There was a total of 9 kids on his team.
Briana - She was so graceful skipping around the bases.
Alex - Always hit the ball far.
Ava - Sometimes she was in to playing, sometimes she wasn't.
AJ - A Spiderman fan just like Brayden
Alex - Great thrower
Here are some pictures of Brayden in action. By the end of the season he was doing a great job with throwing the ball.
Brayden's got the ball (left side of pic) ready to throw
Hot Rods!
Hot Rods - Front Row: Ava, Briana, Alex and Mikey Second Row: Michael, AJ, Joaquin, Brayden and Alex Third Row: Coach Tony, Head Coach Bobby, CK (Jason also helped several nights, but wasn't here for the picture).

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