Here are some extra pictures of our Brayden bear from April, May and June that I didn't include in other posts.
Brayden helped me bake some
Pioneer Woman "Mom's Muffins" one morning. I love watching Pioneer Woman's show and Sarah and Brayden sometimes like watching it with me since she includes her kids and all their activities on their ranch. I don't always make her recipes since they call for a lot of butter and whole milk, but we like to indulge in one of her recipes every now and then though.
Brayden got his very own library card this summer, he was so excited. We have our weekly trip to the library to pick out movies and books, now he can check them out himself.
This summer we signed him up for Taekwondo classes, he has enjoyed trying this out.
In June he got to go with Jason and Sarah to Mega Sports camp at a church in Newark that we have helped the last couple of years with their VBS. He had fun playing at all the different stations with the other kids - Dancing, soccer, drums, bible story. Unfortunately the second night he got sick right before they were to leave and had to stay home with Mommy.
Sleeping with my little bear. I love naps. Brayden doesn't fall asleep often on the couch, but when he does you know he is tired.
It is so fun watching him grow and enjoying life.
Cousins getting ready to enjoy Grandma's new pool. |
Enjoys playing in the dirt. |
Drawing in his journal on the way to school. |
Enjoying a train ride at Van Saun Park with Aunt Susie, Sammy & Stephen. |
First time riding in the street with his bike. |
This boy enjoys slipping and sliding. |
A morning out to see Monsters University. |
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